December 6, 2018

rejected by clients after lie

Are You being Rejected by potential Clients?

The pandering advice that you've been told and have probably been telling not just others, but yourself, is usually told at the moment you get rejected by a potential client, and your coach/biz bestie says...

'They obviously weren't your ideal client!'

Now, sometimes this is the case. Sometimes they genuinely were not your ideal client. In some cases you made a lucky escape.

But i'm going to ask you...

how often do you get rejected?

I know this is a very triggering question. But please know that I'm not asking you just to ruffle your feathers. I'm asking you because if you're experiencing rejection after rejection, we have to face the real possibility that it's not them, it's YOU.

I know, I know I'm twisting the knife.

But hang in there because I want to open your mind to a new possibility...

We can either keep lying to ourselves and experiencing the same outcome, OR we can face the truth!. We can make a change, and get a different outcome.

Why Are We being rejected?

A lot of the time when we experience rejection it's not that people don't want to buy from us. Sometimes people adore you and they truly WANT to, but they just can't seem to justify it in their heads. It seems like a lot of money for what they're not sure they'll be getting.

Your 'unsure prospect' generally rejects you for these reasons:

  • They can't see a return on investment.
  • They don't trust you to help them achieve their result.
  • They're not clear on what they'll actually be achieving when they work with you.
  • They have a 'better' option.
  • They're scared that they themselves can't achieve what you're promising.

Knowing this information is truly empowering because we can start to identify which one is happening and what's missing in our marketing. Because if you're marketing is done well, your prospect should already be converted to a 'YES' when they approach you.

how can rejection be avoided?

So the next time you're rejected, instead of telling yourself this lie, first ask yourself these questions...

  • Did I truly show them a return on investment?
  • Have I done everything I could to present myself as credible. To build trust with my prospects so much so that they feel totally confident in my abilities?
  • Have I been really clear on the solid results/outcomes that they will get. Will they help them to get them to their overall 'success island'?
  • Why didn't they choose me? What could I have done better to tune into they're true desires/wants/values?
  • How can I help them build confidence in themselves that they too can achieve the results that you help others to do?

to Conclude...

When you stop running from the truth, you'll find that the answers. The answers you receive will be so illuminating that it will allow you to do something different to get the result you want...


Work with Jen...

If you'd like to discuss further how you can convert your potential clients with ease, then just book a call with Jen Hall here

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Gain full access to over 30 FREE video trainings and informative articles on client attraction & conversion, business mindset miracles and business alignment specially designed for Coaches, Consultants & Experts so you can become the most desired option in your niche.

About the author 

Jennifer Hall

Jen Hall is Business Clarity Coach for Coaches, Consultants & Experts who want to become Unrivalled Go-To Experts.

Jen not only gets you clear on your micro-niche, message and what makes you unique and desirable, but she helps you to define what makes you an irrefutable offer to the market so you can position yourself as a high-end 'must have' option for your prospects.

She is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker and Best Selling Author of Expert Unrivalled.

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